Course Content Total learning: 20 lessons Time: 5 weeks Home / Courses / Technology / DevOps / AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate Course Introduction 0/2 Lecture1.1 Course overview Lecture1.2 Ice breakers Intro to AWS 0/3 Lecture2.1 What is AWS? Lecture2.2 AWS certifications Lecture2.3 AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate Getting Started 0/2 Lecture3.1 My first AWS account! Lecture3.2 IAM | What is it and why should you care? Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) 0/6 Lecture4.1 What is EC2? Lecture4.2 Intro to Elastic Block Store Lecture4.3 Volumes, and Snapshots, and AMI’s, oh my! Lecture4.4 Where did all the Firewalls go? Lecture4.5 Boot Strapping EC2 Instances Lecture4.6 EC2 Instance Meta Data and how to use it Networking for the Solutions Architect - Associate Exam 0/7 Lecture5.1 Introduction to VPC Lecture5.2 Network Access Control List (NACL) Lecture5.3 Jump Boxes / Bastion Host Lecture5.4 Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) Lecture5.5 VPC End Points Lecture5.6 VPC Flow Logs Lecture5.7 Direct Connect (DX) This content is protected, please login and enroll course to view this content! Prev Volumes, and Snapshots, and AMI’s, oh my! Next Boot Strapping EC2 Instances